Welcome to Al Manar International School’s PTA 2024-2025
E-mail Us: PTA-President@almanarqatar.com
1 | Doha Tarek Al Laithy | President |
2 | Nagla Abdel Wahab | Vice-President |
3 | Muhammad fozy alsharaa | Secretary |
4 | Maha Mubarak Alnaimi | General Board Member |
5 | Noora Al Marri | General Board Member |
6 | Moudhi Al Dossari | General Board Member |
7 | Ashraf Gad | General Board Member |
What is the Al Manar International School (AMIS) Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?
The Al Manar International School (AMIS) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an organized group of AMIS parents that are selected by all AMIS parents to represent their views as parents to the AMIS Administration. The PTA plays a vital role in school improvement by ensuring that the AMIS parental perspective is represented to the AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership Team. Every parent, student, faculty member and administrator belongs to the PTA and is a value-added part in sustainable school improvement. The PTA’s role is to support and strengthen the AMIS community and reinforce the home-school partnership sharing AMIS and Qatar’s rich history, culture, traditions, and values. However, the PTA does not have any judiciary or decision-making authority over the school, administration, teachers, staff, systems, or programs used.
The PTA assists and supports:
Types of PTA meetings:
PTA General Meetings are meetings that are open to all AMIS parents. These meetings are held to cascade information received from AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership, to discuss PTA Executive Meeting Minutes, to plan volunteer participation in AMIS educational activities/events, and/or to hear the views/concerns/suggestions from all parents to take to the AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership meetings for discussion and action.
PTA Executive Meetings are meetings that are attended by AMIS PTA Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Information Coordinator, Events Coordinator, and Cultural Coordinator). These meetings are held to discuss outcomes of the PTA General Meeting, agenda items raised by parents/students/AMIS, to make plans of work, to implement or update action plans, etc….
Special PTA Meetings are held to nominate/vote/elect PTA Executive positions (President, Past President Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communication Coordinator, Events Coordinator, and Cultural Coordinator). Each executive position is for one academic year except the President. The President is automatically (without voting) the Past President for an additional year. Each executive position keeps a record of their activities and duties and submits a report each semester to the Secretary. The secretary is the keeper of all documents and works with the PTA Executive Members to create the annual PTA Report that is submitted to the AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership at the end of each academic year.
Frequency of PTA Meetings:
PTA General Meetings are held a minimum of three times per academic year. (Once per semester).
PTA Executive Meetings are held a minimum of four times per academic year. (Once at the beginning of each semester and once at the end of the third semester to write/complete/submit the PTA annual report to the AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership, and to plan for the upcoming year’s first semester’s meeting.
Special PTA Meetings are held 1-3 times per year to nominate/vote/elect PTA Executive members. These meetings may also be held as only online meetings or as blended meetings.
PTA Executive Positions:
President: Preside and chair all PTA meetings (executive and general). Confirm that the quorum/majority attendance is in place to hold and conduct PTA meeting. Manage the PTA agenda, discussions, actions. Ensure that decisions and action plans made by the PTA are implemented and effectively completed. Coordinate the work of the PTA. Regularly meet/report PTA activities and affairs to the AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership. Chair the development and creation of the annual AMIS PTA Report in collaboration with the PTA executive members.
Past President: Continue to serve as a PTA Executive Member to guide and council the PTA President in his/her new role and to ensure the continuation of any pending PTA projects/initiatives. However, the Vice President takes the role of the current PTA President in the event of absence or inability to act. This is a non-voting consultancy role. Performs other duties assigned by the PTA President/Executive Members.
Vice President: Assumes all duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence or inability to act. This role does not fall to the Past President. Performs other duties assigned by the PTA President/Executive Members.
Secretary: Works in partnership with PTA President and Executive Members to ensure meetings, agenda items, actions, reports, and initiatives are recorded in the PTA Meeting minutes and sent to the Executive Members and AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership within 3 working days of the PTA meeting to ensure sustainability of any action items are implemented in a timely manner. Performs other duties assigned by the PTA President/Executive Members.
Treasurer: The treasure should be a parent with knowledge of accounting/finance. Can be an advisor to the AMIS PTA President and AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership on initiatives or projects to promote the school. Keeps an accounting of funds through the management of receipts (taking/receiving/issuing out) of funds (if any). There may be funds from fundraising or donations (if allowed by the Qatar MoE). Performs other duties assigned by the PTA President/Executive Members.
Communications Coordinator: Works with the PTA President and the AMIS Parent Laison to contact and communicate AMIS parents updating and sharing information concerning AMS daily operations (schedules, links, news messages, extracurricular activities offered, parent meetings, raising awareness of special AMIS or PTA sponsored event or activity). This position can have a SUB-COMMITTEE that he/she leads to keep each grade level informed as needed to share the responsibility of updating parents. (KG1-G12-one Parent Communications Subcommittee member per grade.)
Events Coordinator: Coordinates, manages, and organizes, with the assistance of the AMIS School Events Coordinator, all PTA activities and events that are sponsored by the PTA. On behalf of the PTA President (after the quorum/majority approval in the PTA General/Executive Meeting), submits the list of PTA Sponsored events to AMIS Administration/Senior Leadership. Performs other duties assigned by the PTA President/Executive Members.
Cultural Coordinator: Works in partnership with the PTA President/Executive Members and the Vice Principal, to promote Qatar national identity, culture, history, pride, and Qatari nationalism throughout events and programs.
AMIS PTA Notices: