In Kindergarten, children’s receptivity to new influences and capacity to learn are at their peak. During this period, they acquire a variety of important skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will affect their ability to learn, their personal development, their relationships with others, and their future participation in society. Young children today begin to develop their skills, knowledge, and attitudes in a variety of environments – in their homes, in childcare and community settings, and in kindergarten programs. Positive early experiences with school are of paramount importance to young children. The learning they do in kindergarten provides the basis for the acquisition of literacy skills (including technological and computer literacy), Mathematics skills, and Science skills, and prepares them for successful learning experiences in later grades. Children arrive at school with different backgrounds and experiences and at different stages of development. To give each student the best start possible, it is essential that Kindergarten pro-grams provide a variety of learning opportunities and experiences. Teachers, early childhood educators, members of the community, and families must work together to provide constructive and consistent learning experiences that will build students’ confidence, encourage them to continue to see learning as both enjoyable and useful, and provide a strong foundation for their intellectual, physical, and social future development.