Appreciation improves productivity. When employees know their hard work is appreciated and recognized, they feel that their work is valued. And this motivates them to maintain and improve their great performance. Appreciation improves workplace morale. “Motivating employees to work at their full potential is the main premise of successful management.”Read More
AMIS-Dafna Branch- had the honor to be a part of the National Tournament for the global education “Destination imagination program” in Qatar organized by Al Faisal Without Borders Foundation in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Qatar. With the participation of more than 120 teams and more than 70 government and foreign...Read More
On Thursday 24th February 2022, KG department organized different activities to celebrate “100 Days of school”. Students had a great time and enjoyed different activities. In KG2, students made a 100-eye mask and decorated it with stars and stickers while KG1 made a gumball and painted 100 dots and Preschool made a 100-day smarter crown....Read More
On February the 22nd, Amis-Dafna Branch- planned a fun day for our beloved students. Students had a wonderful time playing the different games. It was such a joyful and unforgettable day.Read More
During the sports Day celebrations held at AMIS –(Dafna branch), our Students Council members had decorated the schools’ walls preparing ourselves for the Qatar World Cup 2022. Students also wrote their wishes and expressed how excited they are for the upcoming event. Read More
Qatar Sports Day (Dafna Branch) Physical and mental developments are essential; Sport Day is one of the major events in Qatar and in our school too. Sports are very essential for every human life which keeps them fit and fine and physical strength. It has great importance in each stage of life. It also improves the...Read More
AMIS celebrated Health and safety week which extended from Sunday 16th of January till Thurs-day 20th of January,2022. The main objective of this event is to improve the health and wellness of our students and link between nutrition, physical activity, and learning-because healthy kids learn better! The event started by Students preparing a delicious healthy...Read More
“Life is too short to have a boring hair” On Tuesday the 30th of November, AMIS Celebrated “Crazy hair day”. Students came to school showing their awesome hair style creations. Students had a lot of fun showing their hair styles. “Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun.”Read More
On the 14th of November 2021, Students celebrated the “Flag Day”. As educational, we are part of “Qatar 2030 vision” in terms of building the minds that would make this vision true. The love of one’s country and the exhibition of gratitude is what makes a nation great, that’s why in AMIS, we don’t let...Read More
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” “Anna Quindlen” Under this frame, students of AMIS have celebrated the Reading and writing week on the week starting from November the 7th till November the 9th . Students of both KG and elementary departments...Read More
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