Students Council election academic year 2021-2022 

Students Council election academic year 2021-2022 


During the first week of October, AMIS students had their student council’s election for the academic year 2021-2022.

Candidates from each class prepared for their campaigns, each of them delivered a speech (video) in front of his/her classmates, they have also designed a poster displayed in their classes aiming to get as much votes as possible and reserve a place in the student council for this year.

The competition was tough in most of the classes.

Congratulations for the winners!

Let’s wish them the best and support them to fulfill their activity plan that has the title of “Actions Speak Louder”.

Congratulates to our newly elected Student Council for 2021-2022 school year!

President: Alanoud Al-kaabi

Vice-president: Rashid Al-Naimi

Social Activities Director: Almayasa AlZeyara-

Social Activities Director: Almayasa Alaa Eleglah

Communications Director: Dania Mahdawii

Secretary: Sara Mutilak

Treasurer: Mohammed Al-Ali

Historian: Tameem Al-Jassim

Class Officer: Haya Talebi

Class Officer: Rashid Al-kuwari

Class Officer: Aldana Al-Masseh

Class Officer: Mohammed Rashid Al-Kaabi

Class Officer: AlMayassa AlMasseh

Class Officer: Saad Aldabbagh

Class Officer: Hissa AlHarami/strong>

Class Officer: Yassin Elhefnawy

Class Officer: Sheikha-AlMuhannadi