30th of September 2024

Parent Teacher Association

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you of the representatives of the “Parent-Teacher Association” for the academic year 2024-2025. We will be consulting with them in terms of the school activities, objectives, and any new developments in the school programs.

We look forward to a very rewarding year to provide the assistance we can and allow the school to perform at its optimum level.

Feel free to contact the school, whenever you need information about the parent-teacher association.

PTA Email:

Please check below, the list of the members.



Mr. Thamer AlQadi President
Dr. Ala’a Walid Alsheikh Hussein Vice – President
Mrs. Muneera Ahmed Alkelaifi Secretary
Mrs. Ashjan Saleh Al- Khalaf Treasurer
Mrs. Nayla Yousuf J B Al-Sorour Member
Ms. Eman Mohamed Member


المنصب اسماء السادة الأعضاء
الرئيس السيد/ ثامر القاضي
نائب الرئيس الدكتور/علاء وليد الشيخ حسين
السكرتاريا السيدة/ منيرة  أحمد الخليفي
أمين الصندوق السيدة /أشجان صالح الخلف
عضوا السيدة / نيله يوسف  السرور
عضوا السيدة/ إيمان محمد

Thanks for your cooperation and continuous support.

Eman M. Mohamed
Al Manar International School Principal

Welcome to Al Manar International School’s PTA

Dear Parents,

Please check our “Constitution of the Parent Teacher Association” : Click here

Here also you can check all our PTA Meeting: Click here

PTA Email:

We would like to inform you of the elected representatives of the 2023-2024 “Parent Teacher Association”. We will be consulting with them in terms of the school activities, objectives and any new developments in the school programs.

We look forward to a very rewarding year to provide the assistance we can, and allow the school to perform at its optimum level.

Feel free to contact the school, whenever you need information about the parent teacher association.

Please check below, the list of the members elected for this academic year.

Dr. Ala’a Walid Alsheikh Hussein President
Mr. Thamer AlQadi Vice President
Mrs. Ashjan Saleh Al- Khalaf Treasurer
Mrs. Amal Saed Al-Malki Secretary
Mrs. Muneera Ahmed Alkelaifi Member
Mrs. Soumaya Mlayah Member
Mrs. Imene Oueslati Member
Mrs. Eman Mohamed Member


We encourage all parents to become active in the PTA as it is a very important connection between home and school. Below we have provided a little sample of what a PTA does and does not do so that you will have an overview of the PTA.  It is our hope that you consider joining the PTA to build a strong partnership with the school for the success of the students.


Welcome to Al Manar International School’s PTA

Dear Parents,

Please check our “Constitution of the Parent Teacher Association” : Click here

Here also you can check all our PTA Meeting: Click here

PTA Email:

We would like to inform you of the elected representatives of the 2022-2023 “Parent Teacher Association”. We will be consulting with them in terms of the school activities, objectives and any new developments in the school programs.

We look forward to a very rewarding year to provide the assistance we can, and allow the school to perform at its optimum level.

Feel free to contact the school, whenever you need information about the parent teacher association.


Please check below, the list of the members elected for this academic year.

Dr. Ala’a Walid Alsheikh Hussein President
Mr. Thamer AlQadi Vice President
Mrs. Ashjan Saleh Al- Khalaf Treasurer
Mrs. Amal Saed Al-Malki Secretary
Ms. Soumaya Mlayah Member
Mrs. Muneera Ahmed Alkelaifi Member
Mrs. Eman Mahmoud Taha Member
Mrs. Imene Oueslati Member


We encourage all parents to become active in the PTA as it is a very important connection between home and school. Below we have provided a little sample of what a PTA does and does not do so that you will have an overview of the PTA.  It is our hope that you consider joining the PTA to build a strong partnership with the school for the success of the students.

The PTA Does

  • Support the educational programs and extracurricular activities of the school
  • Encourage parents’ involvement in their individual children’s lives, education, class, and school provides
  • Provide feedback and suggestions for school programs
  • Coordinate programs and projects that will support or enrich the curriculum
  • Encourage/fund the increased exposure of students to technology
  • Provide feedback/assist with increased awareness of school safety and security issues
  • Support the educational goals of the school and assist with attaining those goals through parent and community volunteerism
  • Recruit volunteers and coordinate volunteer efforts to staff PTA functions and assist with school programs
  • A LOT ! ! !

The PTA Doesn’t Not:

  • Run the school
  • Force parents to participate in PTA and/or school activities
  • Set policy regarding school programs
  • Define the school’s curriculum
  • Dictate the technology platforms and/or software used by the school
  • Define or interfere with  the school’s security program and policies
  • Set the educational goals, testing requirements, or compliance factors
  • Have jurisdiction or authority over school staff, teachers, and other employees